04/11/2008 Corporate News EN
Thibaut Pajot
Thibaut Pajot
SHS VIVEON extends risk management system at new customer Telekom Austria by adding automated decision-making processes
SHS VIVEON AG / MiscellaneousRelease of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStoryAG.The issuer / publisher is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------Martinsried (Munich), November 4th, 2008 – SHS VIVEON, a solution providerfor end-to-end customer management, has acquired Telekom Austria as a newcustomer and has thus taken a first key step into the Austriantelecommunications market. The business and IT consulting company automatesdecision-making processes in Telekom Austria's credit management system.SHS VIVEON will use its customized GUARDEAN RiskSuite software. In additionto implementing this software, SHS VIVEON is also involved as anintegration consultant. By adding Telekom Austria, SHS VIVEON has increasedits portfolio of customers with a further key player on the Europeantelecommunications market.Telekom Austria will add process automation to its existing risk managementsystem, thus allowing decisions to be taken faster. SHS VIVEON will supplythe software platform: GUARDEAN RiskSuite offers a system-supporteddecision-making tool for managing customer risks and in future it willcontrol the decision-making process for new orders. The customized solutionfrom the GUARDEAN product family will also be used for mass customerbusiness in the telecommunications and financial services sectors toautomate and accelerate credit-related decision-making processes.SHS VIVEON will be responsible for expanding Telekom Austria's creditmanagement services. The company is responsible for technicalimplementation of the GUARDEAN RiskSuite and also for integrating this intothe existing credit management system. In addition to providing interfacesand implementing process workflows, this also includes adjusting existingand developing new score cards.'Automating select credit-related decision-making processes allows us toreact more quickly and flexibly to our customers needs,' commented GerhardPartl, head of Credit Management Telekom Austria TA AG. 'Using GUARDEANRiskSuite and the associated savings in processing time will allow us toadvise our customers more effectively, offering more tailored decisions.''SHS VIVEON has acquired its first customer in the Austriantelecommunications sector in the form of Telekom Austria,' commented StefanGilmozzi, Member of SHS VIVEON AG's Managing Board and responsible for theconsulting business in the German-speaking region. 'This step is a keymilestone in our company's international orientation as it clearly showsthat our understanding of customer management can be used universally –going beyond national and industry requirements.' SHS VIVEON AG is pan-European business and IT consulting company forcustomer management solutions, specializing in generating and developingcustomer risk management products. The company offers market-leadingexpertise in customer value and customer risk management. SHS VIVEON is apioneer for the convergence of these two issues – which aims to optimizecustomers' and companies' value growth. Additional core competences spanall of the issues that are crucial for putting successful customermanagement in place: customer interaction management, customer analytics,customer management applications as well as business intelligence and datawarehousing.The GUARDEAN product family offers process-oriented software solutions forcustomer risk management. GUARDEAN integrates and automates all of therisk-relevant customer management processes, from procuring information andevaluating customers through to credit control. The individual solutions inthe product family are: GUARDEAN Risk Suite, GUARDEAN DebiTEX and GUARDEANGateway. GUARDEAN is developed and sold by the SHS VIVEON AG's productcompany, a wholly owned subsidiary of SHS VIVEON GmbH.SHS VIVEON AG is headquartered in Martinsried (by Munich) and is listed onthe Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Prime Standard. It has four subsidiaries ineleven locations in four European countries: SHS VIVEON GmbH (D), SHSVIVEON Schweiz AG (CH), SHS Polar Sistemas Informáticos S.L. (E) and SHSVIVEON Iberia S.L. (E). SHS VIVEON is one of Europe's leading customermanagement providers with more than 550 employees and 150 customers in 15countries, of which 30% are Fortune 500 International companies. SHSVIVEON's customers include well-known customers from the financialservices, industry, retail and telecommunications sectors, including BayWa,BMW Financial Services, Credit Suisse, DaimlerChrysler, Deutsche Telekom,Ingram Micro, RaabKarcher, o2 Deutschland, Orange, SüdLeasing andTelefonica. Additional information is available at:www.The-Customer-Management-Company.comFurther information:SHS VIVEON AGMatthias SeidelFraunhoferstraße 12D-82152 Martinsried (near Munich)T +49 (0) 89 747257-34F +49 (0) 89 747257-10Public.Relations@SHS-VIVEON.comwww.SHS-VIVEON.com 04.11.2008 Financial News transmitted by DGAP---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: EnglishIssuer: SHS VIVEON AG Fraunhoferstraße 12 82152 Martinsried bei München DeutschlandPhone: +49 (0)89 747-257-0Fax: +49 (0)89 747-257-10E-mail: investor.relations@shs-viveon.comInternet: www.shs-viveon.comISIN: DE0005072409WKN: 507240Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin, Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart End of News DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------