10/08/2006 Corporate News EN
Thibaut Pajot
Thibaut Pajot
SHS VIVEON AG: Double digit growth in the first half year 2006
SHS VIVEON AG / Half Year ReportAnnouncement transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------Martinsried, August 10, 2006 – SHS VIVEON AG, Martinsried, draws positivebalance for the first half year 2006. The company increased its output from19.02 mn € by about 18% to 22.43 mn €. Decisive factors, among others, werethe accretions in the core operating businesses as well as the recenttake-overs. Growth was slightly held back by the reduced hardware sales ofthe Spanish subsidiary SHS Polar in comparison to last year’s figures, butonly had a minor impact on operating margins. EBITDA with 0.63 mn €, isapprox. 34% up against last year’s comparable figure of 0.47 mn €. EBITDAcomprises provisions of 0.2 mn €, built in the second quarter 2006, forongoing rebranding measures of the entire SHS VIVEON group. The adjustedEBITDA thus amounts to 0.83 mn € and corresponds to an increase of around76%. Crucial for the groups´ net loss of minus 1.10 mn € in the first halfyear 2006 (comparable period 2005: -0.08 mn €) are especially depreciationand amortization of 1.75 mn €. Amortization mainly results from theacquisitions of VIVEON AG and Systech Software GmbH.Due to reporting date, receivables and work in progress increased, and ledto an operating cash flow of minus 1.39 mn € in the first half year 2006(comparable period 2005: 0.03 mn €). At the end of the period cash and cashequivalents of SHS VIVEON AG were at 1.32 mn € (comparable period 2005:2.17 mn €).“SHS VIVEON AG developed positively in the first half year of the currentfiscal year. Further we have created the conditions to participate evenstronger in future market opportunities”, explains Dirk Roesing, CEO of SHSVIVEON AG. “The successful integration of the subsidiaries as well as theupcoming rebranding of the SHS VIVEON AG shall generate further impulsesfor the second half of 2006”, Dirk Roesing continues.The full half year report is available for download on www.shs.de.Martinsried-based SHS VIVEON AG is listed on the Prime Standard segment ofthe Frankfurt Stock Exchange and operates subsidiaries in Spain andSwitzerland. The IT services provider focuses on offering customermanagement and credit risk management solutions to companies with a broadcustomer base. In 2005, the company recorded revenues of EUR 41 million.The customers of SHS VIVEON AG include BMW Financial Services, ToyotaKreditbank, Ingram Micro, Crédit Agricole, T-Mobile, T-Online, SüdLeasing,Telefónica, amena, Barclaycard and other international companies in theautomobile, information and financial services sector. For moreinformation, see www.shs.de.SHS VIVEON AGInvestor RelationsTel.: +49 – 89 – 747257-37e-mail: Investor.relations@shs.de cometis AGUlrich WiehleTel: +49 – 611 – 205855-11e-mail: wiehle@cometis.deDGAP 10.08.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: EnglishIssuer: SHS VIVEON AG Fraunhoferstraße 12 82152 Martinsried bei München DeutschlandPhone: +49 (0)89 747-257-0Fax: +49 (0)89 747-257-10E-mail: investor.relations@shs.deWWW: www.shs.deISIN: DE0005072409WKN: 507240Indices: Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin-Bremen, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf End of News DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------