05/07/2006 Corporate News EN
Thibaut Pajot

SHS Informationssysteme AG becomes SHS VIVEON AG

SHS Informationssysteme AG / AGM/EGMCorporate news transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------SHS Informationssysteme AG: SHS Informationssysteme AG becomes SHS VIVEON AG Klaus Plönzke appointed as new member of the supervisory board Martinsried, July 5, 2006 - At today’s annual shareholders´ meeting of SHSInformationssysteme AG all 15 presented agenda items were approved of withgreat majority. The most important result of the meeting was changing thecompany name SHS Informationssysteme AG into SHS VIVEON AG. The clearlybroadened service portfolio as a result of the acquisition of the VIVEONAG, will now also be reflected in the corporate brand. The shareholdersfurther agreed to the closing of profit transfer and control contracts withthe subsidiaries Systech Software GmbH as well as Viveon AG. In addition,new authorised capital was created, which enables the executive board withagreement of the supervisory board to increase the share capital of thecompany once or more up to a total of 6,907,323 million EUR up till July 4,2011 with the issue of new bearer shares.Further at the annual shareholders´ meeting two members of the supervisoryboard were appointed. Here, Karl-Peter Schmid, the founder and chairman ofthe supervisory board of SHS Informationssysteme AG, was re-elected in thesupervisory board after expiry of his term. Moreover, Klaus Plönzke waselected into the supervisory board as a shareholders representative andsuccessor to the retiring member of the supervisory board Wolfgang Schmitz.Mr. Plönzke brings a long-time experience as successful entrepreneur withhim into the supervisory board. Klaus Plönzke has created a leading ITconsultancy as founder of the toady’s CSC PLOENZKE AG. Today he acts aschief executive officer of the Plönzke Holding AG , which focuses on thestrategic and operational consulting in all phases of the development ofinnovative companies. Dirk Roesing, chief executive officer of SHSInformationssysteme AG: “Mister Plönzke is a very important shareholder ofSHS AG. Now, all the more we are also looking forward to win such anexperienced entrepreneur as a member of the supervisory board for SHS.Thus, we expect an intensive cooperation with great pleasure.”Munich-based SHS Informationssysteme AG is listed on the Prime Standardsegment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and operates a subsidiary in Spain.The IT services provider focuses on offering customer management and creditrisk management solutions to companies with a broad customer base. In 2005,the company recorded revenues of EUR 41 million. The customers of SHSInformationssysteme AG include Ingram Micro, Crédit Agricole, T-Mobile,T-Online, Südleasing, Telefónica, amena, Barclaycard and otherinternational companies in the information and financial services sector.For more information, see www.shs.deSHS Informationssysteme AGInvestor RelationsTel.: +49 – 89 – 747257-19e-mail: Investor.relations@shs.de cometis AGUlrich WiehleTel: +49 – 611 – 205855-11e-mail: wiehle@cometis.deDGAP 05.07.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language:     EnglishIssuer:       SHS Informationssysteme AG              Fraunhoferstraße 12              82152 Martinsried bei München DeutschlandPhone:        +49-(0)89-747-257-0Fax:          +49-(0)89-747-257-10E-mail:       investor.relations@shs.deWWW:          www.shs.deISIN:         DE0005072409WKN:          507240Indices:      Listed:       Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr              in Berlin-Bremen, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------