30/03/2006 Corporate News EN
Thibaut Pajot

SHS Informationsssteme AG concludes 2005 with output and earnings growth:

SHS Informationssysteme AG / Final ResultsCorporate-announcement transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------Considerably expanded products and services portfolioMunich, March 30, 2006 - SHS Informationssysteme AG, Munich, todayannounced that it increased its output in the financial year 2005 by 28percent from EUR 32 million to EUR 41 million. The company also managed toboost its adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, deprecation andamortization without one time effects) considerably from EUR 1 million toEUR 1.6 million in 2005 despite increased investments in sales andmarketing. In comparison: In 2004, SHS reported comparable EBITDA of EUR 1million (without one time effects). EBT (earnings before taxes without onetime effects) for 2005 were EUR 0.4 million compared to minus EUR 3.9million (without one time effects) in 2004. Total assets rose to EUR 35.6million in 2005 (2004: EUR 28.9 million). The equity ratio improved to 44percent (2004: 38 percent). At the end of 2005, SHS had 510 employees, 60more than at the end of 2004.The fourth quarter of 2005 also was a highly successful one as SHS achievedan output of EUR 11.8 million. This compares to an output of EUR 9.5million in the same period of 2004. At EUR 0.4 million, EBITDA in thefourth quarter of 2005 also was higher than last year (EUR 0.1 million).After concluding its restructuring by the end of 2004, SHS began toreposition itself successfully in the market in 2005. The new focus was onthe strategic business areas customer risk management and customer valuemanagement. In this context, SHS continued the successful marketing of itsGUARDEAN software solution and won renowned new customers such asDailmlerChrysler. With the strategic acquisition of Systech Software GmbHin late 2005 and Viveon AG in early 2006, SHS also expanded its portfolioof products and services considerably. Chief Executive Officer Dirk Roesingcommented on the SHS strategy: 'In the past financial year, we laid thegroundwork for providing our customers with an expanded portfolio ofproducts and services along the entire value chain from strategicconsulting, integration, credit assessments to customer value analysis.'Roesing believes that the assessment of customer value will become more andmore important for businesses: 'Leveraging strategic customer potentialwill become one of the most important success factors in the future. Ourportfolio of products and services gives us an excellent position in thismarket. We have great growth potential.'Munich-based SHS Informationssysteme AG is listed on the Prime Standardsegment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and operates a subsidiary in Spain.The IT services provider focuses on offering customer management and creditrisk management solutions to companies with a broad customer base. In 2005,the company recorded revenues of EUR 41 million. The customers of SHS AGinclude amena, Barclaycard BMW Financial Services, Crédit Agricole, E.ON,E-Plus, Ingram Micro, Karstadt-Quelle, O2, Orange, Südleasing, Telefónica,T-Mobile, T-Online and other international companies in the information andfinancial sectors. For more information, see www.shs.deWolfgang BrandSHS Informationssysteme AGTel.: +49 – 89 – 747257-0e-mail: wolfgang.brand@shs.deAndreas HoschkeHOSCHKE & CONSORTEN Public Relations GmbHTel.: +49 – 40 – 369050-55e-mail: a.hoschke@hoschke.deDGAP 30.03.2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- language:     Englishcompany:      SHS Informationssysteme AG              Fraunhoferstraße 12              82152 Martinsried bei München Deutschlandphone:        +49-(0)89-747-257-0fax:          +49-(0)89-747-257-10email:        investor.relations@shs.deWWW:          www.shs.deISIN:         DE0005072409WKN:          507240indices:      stockmarkets: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr              in Berlin-Bremen, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf End of News                                     DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------