31/03/2008 Corporate News EN
Thibaut Pajot
Thibaut Pajot
Financials 2007: SHS VIVEON AG shows considerable growth in output and profit
SHS VIVEON AG / Final ResultsRelease of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStoryAG.The issuer / publisher is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.----------------------------------------------------------------------o Total output up around 33% to EUR 56.5 million o EBITDA more than doubles to around EUR 2.0 millionMartinsried, March 31, 2008 – SHS VIVEON AG, Europe's leading provider ofcustomer management solutions, was able to further expand its growth infiscal year. The company recorded an increase in total output of around 33%to EUR 56.5 million (previous year: EUR 42.6 million) in the fiscal year2007. Compared with the previous year, the core business – consulting andsoftware solutions for customer value and customer risk management –increased by a total of 9% to EUR 40.3 million (previous year: EUR 36.8million). Total output in the German-speaking region was up pleasing 16%from EUR 19.1 million to EUR 22.1 million. The Spanish subsidiary SHS Polarincreased its total output by around 46% to EUR 34.3 million. Whereas corebusiness remained stable in Spain, in particular the non-strategic hardwarebusiness totaling EUR 16.2 million made an above average contribution tothis growth.The group's profitability enjoyed highly pleasing growth. EBITDA fromongoing operations more than doubled, increasing from EUR 0.8 million toEUR 2.0 million. Taking the other operating income of EUR 1.1 million fromthe sale of the Interactive division into account, EBITDA totaled EUR 3.1million; almost triple the previous year's result.After a pre-tax loss last fiscal year in the amount of EUR 3.1 million, SHSVIVEON Group recorded pre-tax profits of around EUR 0.1 million in fiscalyear 2007. These results include depreciations, in particular for goodwilland intangible assets, totaling EUR 3.9 million. The successful redemptionof the IKB loan led to a positive extraordinary effect of EUR 3.0 million.Taking the results from discontinued operations into account, theconsulting and software company recorded consolidated net income of EUR 0.9million for the first time since fiscal year 2000. Last year the net losstotaled EUR -2.2 million. This results in positive earnings per share ofEUR 0.06 (previous year: EUR -0.17).On the balance sheet date, SHS VIVEON Group had very solid capitalization;its equity ratio lifted from 47% in the previous year to 56%. The group'snet debt also fell from EUR 4.5 million to EUR 2.7 million.SHS VIVEON AG's CEO, Dirk Roesing, is very pleased with the group's 2007results: 'Our successfully concluded restructuring program hassignificantly increased our earnings strength in our core business. Ourhigh-performance product range and our reinforced sales activities meanthat we are very confident that we will be able to further increaserevenues and earnings still further in 2008.'The full annual report 2007 of SHS VIVEON AG is available for download onthe Investor Relations section on the company’s Website www.shs-viveon.com.SHS VIVEON AG is pan-European business and IT consulting company forcustomer management solutions, specializing in generating and developingcustomer risk management products. SHS VIVEON AG is headquartered inMartinsried (by Munich) and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange'sPrime Standard. It has four subsidiaries in ten locations in three Europeancountries: SHS VIVEON GmbH (D), SHS VIVEON Schweiz AG (CH), SHS PolarSistemas Informáticos S.L. (E) and SHS VIVEON Iberia S.L. (E). SHS VIVEONis one of Europe's leading customer management providers with more than 550employees and 150 customers in 15 countries, of which 30% are Fortune 500International companies. SHS VIVEON's customers include well-knowncustomers from the financial services, industry, retail andtelecommunications sectors, including BayWa, BMW Financial Services, CreditSuisse, DaimlerChrysler, Deutsche Telekom, Ingram Micro, RaabKarcher, o2Deutschland, Orange, SüdLeasing and Telefonica. Additional information isavailable at: www.The-Customer-Management-Company.comSHS VIVEON AGWolfgang BrandTel.: +49 (0)89 - 747257-0E-mail: Investor.Relations@SHS-VIVEON.comcometis AGUlrich WiehleTel.: +49 (0)611 - 205855-11E-mail: wiehle@cometis.de31.03.2008 Financial News transmitted by DGAP---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: EnglishIssuer: SHS VIVEON AG Fraunhoferstraße 12 82152 Martinsried bei München DeutschlandPhone: +49 (0)89 747-257-0Fax: +49 (0)89 747-257-10E-mail: investor.relations@shs-viveon.comInternet: www.shs-viveon.comISIN: DE0005072409WKN: 507240Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf End of News DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------